Harold Itokazu Jr,DDS,LAc,ICP
Licensed Acupuncturist &
Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine
~In Clinical Practice Over 30 Years~
Integrative Holistic Health Care
Acupuncture & Japanese Meridian Therapy
The gentle insertion and manipulation of sterile needles on the body to encourage the body's natural ability to heal. Developed thousands of years ago, Acupuncture and the Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) theories which support it, restore balance and proper flow of energy (Chi/Qi) in your body so healing occurs. Japanese Meridian Therapy works to unblock areas of the body that have become blocked or stagnant; these are usually the root areas of chronic concern. Restoring energetic flow through these allows the body to heal.
Micro-current & Needle-free Acupuncture
The application of subtle electrical impulses to increase circulation and promote healing. Micro-current can be applied with the same TOM principles, with or without the use of needles.
IASIS Micro-current Neurofeedback
Iasis MCN training allows the brain to shift out of unhealthy fixed patterns. Its intricately engineered technology and refined protocols use extremely low-intensity energy through sensors placed on points on the scalp.
Iasis MCN balances responses between the "rest and digest" Parasympathetic Nervous System and the "fight or flight" Sympathetic Nervous System. This can allow the central nervous system to efficiently balance and more effectively regulate the production and utilization of neurotransmitters and other critical hormones, allowing for better response and more optimal functioning.
Iasis MCN is found effective
for many issues including, chronic pain, headache, Migraine, insomnia, addiction, ADD, ADHD, and other Spectrum Disorders, emotional trauma, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD/PTSS), Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and Post-concussion Syndrome (PCS); many other symptoms and conditions can have a positive response to Iasis MCN. Most patients report feeling something different during or after their first session with some experiencing a significant positive shift after just 1 to 4 sessions. For additional information on Iasis MCN, go to:
Or, feel free to ask us.
Researchers at University of California San Diego and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs have collaborated on a 4-year $1M double-blind study on the effects of Iasis MCN on over 200 Navy and Marine personnel. This study is testing the effectiveness of Iasis MCN for the treatment of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD/PTSS). This is the first time a device like this has been awarded this type of study. Below is the link to the research summary by UCSD:
Chi Machine
Gently moves the body in a fish-like motion (while lying supine) to maximize oxygen absorption and promote healing.
Far-infrared Heat Therapy
Increases micro-circulation and loosens fascia to accelerate the natural healing process of the body.
Tui Na Massage Therapy
Traditional form of bodywork developed with TOM over thousands of years. Tui Na focuses on reducing muscle tension and pain, while increasing joint mobility and function. Both relaxing, and invigorating.
Cupping Therapy
Promotes circulation. Uses suction (negative pressure) to release tense, stuck muscles.
Lifestyle Guidance
Recommendations to promote optimal health and wellness.
Patient Referral Resource
Referral to other reputable integrative, alternative and natural health care providers.